Physical Therapy for Foot Pain
Can Physical Therapy Help Foot and Ankle Pain?
Absolutely! Physical Therapy can be an extremely effective in the treatment of many types of foot and ankle pain! Physical therapy involves the use of exercises, stretches, and other techniques to improve mobility and strength, as well as reduce pain and inflammation. Calling your Physical Therapist should often be your first step in recovering from foot and ankle pain!
What causes Foot Pain?
Foot pain can be caused by many different things! The foot is extremely complex. Feet and ankles can be effected by things like footwear, flexibility, joint stiffness, strength, and even any of these issues in the more proximal joints like the knees and hips. Other foot pain can be caused by acute injuries like a sports injury, falls, and other accidents. Your therapist will perform a thorough examination to determine the most likely cause of your foot or ankle pain and develop an individualized plan of care to treat it.
What can I expect at my Physical Therapy appointments for Foot Pain?
We provide a unique and individualized plan of care for every patient, however there are a few things that are common in Physical Therapy for Foot Pain. Your physical therapist may use a variety of techniques to help you recover from your foot injury or condition, some of them may including:
Range of motion exercises: These exercises help to improve flexibility and mobility in the many joints in the foot and ankle
Strengthening exercises: These exercises help to improve the strength and stability of the muscles around the foot as well as the more proximal joints like the knees and hips.
Balance and proprioception exercises: These exercises help to improve balance and stability, which can help to reduce the risk of falls and injuries. They are also an excellent way to improve strength of the foot and ankle
Gait training: Your physical therapist may teach you how to walk in a way that places less stress on the different joints of your foot and helps to reduce pain.
Manual therapy: This may include techniques such as massage or joint mobilization to help improve mobility and reduce pain.
Modalities for pain as needed
It's important to work with a physical therapist who is experienced in treating foot and ankle conditions and who can tailor a treatment plan to your specific needs.